The MySQL graphs are missing

First, ensure you are running the most recent version of agent.php.

To activate MySQL monitoring, you need to create a file named "wormly-mysql-config.php" in the same directory as agent.php.

In this file, place the following configuration parameters:


$mysqlenabled = true;
$mysqluser = ""; // Your MySQL username goes here
$mysqlpass = ""; // Your MySQL password goes here
$mysqlhost = "localhost:3306"; // Change this to your MySQL server address if necessary

// Note that a closing php tag is not required.

You can use an unprivileged MySQL user for this task - here's an example of how to create one:

GRANT USAGE ON test.* TO wormlyuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'wormlypassword';

Not what you were looking for? Try a search:

Ninja Tip: trace* will match traceroute.

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