tested 10 years ago

Certificate Overview

Valid Host NamesNot matchedpanel.myservr.org
Expiresin 2 monthsValid after Jun 25, 2012
TrustNot trustedThe certificate was issued by CAcert Class 3 Root, which is not a trusted authority.

This is most likely because the servers' certificate chain is not installed correctly.



Encryption CiphersOK
Public Key Size1024 bitsKey sizes 1024 bits or larger are considered secure. Be aware that unnecessarily large key sizes will slow down the connection establishment.
Secure RenegotiationYes
ProtocolsInsecureServer supports SSLv2. This is a deprecated and insecure protocol which should be disabled.



HTTP KeepaliveNoEnabling HTTP Keep-Alive will allow subsequent requests to be served faster, without the need to establish a new SSL/TLS connection.
SSL Session CacheYes
TLS Stateless ResumeYes
SSL Handshake Size1739 bytesA smaller SSL handshake means a faster connection. Reducing the number & size of certificates in your chain, and reducing the size of the public key will reduce this.


Encryption Ciphers (TLS/SSLv3)

DES-CBC-SHALowDES56-bitRSA402ms1571 bytes
RC4-MD5MediumRC4128-bitRSA405ms1555 bytes
RC4-SHAMediumRC4128-bitRSA406ms1563 bytes
AES128-SHAHighAES128-bitRSA403ms1587 bytes
DES-CBC3-SHAHigh3DES168-bitRSA392ms1571 bytes
AES256-SHAHighAES256-bitRSA388ms1587 bytes